Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Simple Way to Lift Finger Prints

flour (other powders can be used)
brush (soft brissles)
Black Paper

Place your finger on any clean hard surface. Lightly tape your brush brissles into a small amount of flour. Barely touch the brush to the fingerprint until the entire print is covered with flour. Make sure you do not smear the print by applying too much pressure. When finished blow the excess flour away. You should be able to see the print and all the ridges on the hard surface. If not blow one more time to make sure all the excess was off, otherwise start over. The Next step is to take a peice of clear tape that sould be a bit bigger then the finger print. Place the tape directly over the fingerprint and press delicately on the tape to make sure the flour has stuck to it. Again make sure you do not smear it by applying too much pressure. Last but not Least Place your Tape on a black peice of paper so that the print can be seen.


  1. iliked how you plsced in all of the steps that we did but you should also add in a picture of your resulting fingerprint
