Friday, August 21, 2009

Hair Ananlysis

(asian hair)
(blonde hair of a female)

(color treated hair)

(black hair of a white male)

After looking at different types of hair through a microscope I was really amazed how a small change in genes or even color can be such a strange effect on hair. For example the African male hair was black and had various splits throughout the strands whereas the white male hair didn't have a single split in it and had a different color as well. Anyways I enjoyed this lab because i got to look at my own hair and I also got some great pictures!


  1. You did an excellent job on your blog! I love the detail and everything really great. =]
    Oh and may I use the check also?

  2. Can I use the hair samples?? And just wondering, who took the photos at our crime scene?? You or Lauren??

  3. I took only one ore two because we where busy doing the analysis but i am going to school early tommorrow to take some so if you want to get them in the morning that if fine with me.
